Meshtastic MUI for T-Deck (version 2.6 preview)
Rough documentation for 2.6 preview released on 2025-02-26 (, documentation last updated 2025-03-06. There was more than one on that date, with being the latest.
The current latest build is 2.6.0.f7afa9a, and is the only one available when using the Konami code.
While going through the Meshtastic Discord to understand 2.6, it made sense to take notes, and then share them.
Since 2.6 is a preview, and frequently changing, I'll try to keep this updated until there is official documentation. The headline may have said "Meshtastic 2.6 Preview: MUI and Next-Hop Routing are here!" but the intent seems more of a "not yet". I heard this would age like milk, but that's never true of documentation in context. Documentation is always updated, and previous versions provide valuable historical context.
- Meshtastic MUI for T-Deck (version 2.6 preview)
How do you get it for the T-Deck?
When you flash the firmware, do an erase & install, and also make sure MUI is selected.
- Instructions were sort of posted here:
- What on earth does that mean? It means the developers want you to visit, and then using your keyboard press the keys:
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
- If you don't have a keyboard at your disposal, or entering the code feels worse than entering a Windows 98 product key, you can download the firmware from github:
- Not everyone has a keyboard with arrow keys. Some people use tablets. Some people are missing the right arrow key. 🤷🏻
- To their credit, you can enter the code very slowly.
- The session variable
can be set totrue
. The "Select Firmware Version" button will start bouncing after you change this setting.
It's installed, now what?
- If it says waiting to download while the progress shows 100%, you can reboot the device.
- Its a bit slow to boot.
- You'll be prompted to set your region. Set it and the device should reboot again. 🤞🏼
Getting Maps Working
- Maps requires tiles to be downloaded to an SD Card seperately in the
directory. - You can have seperate styles of maps, by placing them into a
directory instead. Long pressing the maps icon will bring up a drop down showing all the map styles you've installed. - For instructions on downloading maps, see
- You can download low detailed overview maps here:
- No script needed: Extract the zip files to the root of your SD Card.
- These will not zoom past a certain level, and you will be presented with a blank area and file icons.
- The starting point of the map before grabbing a GPS fix is Big Ben in London. If you do not have GPS, this will be the assumed location for your device, regardless of fixed_position location (the correct position is still transmitted)
- Update: Fixed position cannot be read by MUI, so the location is set seperately. Pressing and holding the cross-hairs will set the position to the center of the view. Setting this will persist after reboot.
- Bluetooth doesn't work because the UI uses the same API bluetooth uses. But if you need bluetooth, restart the device and press and hold the Meshtastic M logo. You'll know it's working because a circle starts forming. When the circle completes, it will reboot into bluetooth mode. You can then press and hold the bluetooth icon to reboot back into MUI.
- When selecting "Reboot/Shutdown" in Settings, you have the option to reboot into Bluetooth mode. Before using this, disable WiFi. Without turning off wifi, bluetooth will not work in bluetooth mode. It will appear that both wifi and bluetooth are enabled.
- Rebooting while in bluetooth mode will reboot back into bluetooth mode.
- Actual success in connecting at this point seems to be hit or miss.
SD Card
SD card has to be inserted before turning on the device to be recognized.
SD Card should be formatted as FAT or FAT32. I did not test ExFat (some have mentioned ExFat does not work).
Be aware, transfering many small files to SD Cards is slow.
Enabling MQTT currently requires using the mobile app.
Reboot your device into bluetooth mode, ensuring wifi is disabled before you do, and connect using your phone app. Under Settings -> Channels -> Primary Channel, set Uplink and Downlink to enabled. Then reboot, turn on wifi and let it reboot again.
Thanks to GuinnesStache in the Meshtastic Discord for the help.
Navigating the UI
Navigation can be done using the scrollball, or tapping/swipping the touchscreen.
Using the scroll ball move between controls, highlighting the control in a subtle or visible way depending on your theme selection. Pressing the ball down will make a selection.
The scroll ball does not scroll conversations.
Conversations show up with borders in different colors to likely mean acknowledged, acknowledged by a node, or likely not delivered. This is Green, black and red.
Home / Dashboard
Shows as scrollable dashboard with information and some settings.
Tap and hold the home icon to resync.
On devices without GPS, the location displayed on the dashboard is the location from the fixed_position coordinates.
An icon that looks like a wifi router. It lists nodes near you, and does not appear to list MQTT nodes.
Tap and hold the nodes tab to change options to filter which nodes are shown.
Tapping a node will show its coordinates in bright green. In light mode it's hard to see.
Tap and hold an individual node to open a direct message chat with the node.
Group Channels
An icon with two people on it. The public channel will be listed as LongFast. Any channels you have set up will appear here too. You are not able to change their settings, or add channels here. It will need to be done through the Meshtastic clients in bluetooth mode, or over Wifi or Serial.
There is no press and hold feature for it.
To change settings for individual channels, or share QR Codes, see Channel Settings
Active Chats
Lists active chats. If you press and hold a chat, a DEL button will appear on the right. You can use this to remove the chat, erasing it's message history. This does not delete the channel.
If you have GPS, it will show your coordinates and location on a map. You need to download and install map tiles seperately.
Tapping the Maps tab will toggle the zoom and pan controls on the right.
Tapping and holding the maps tab will present you with 2 sliders. The top slider adjusts darkness of background (areas where a tile does not show: higher is white), and the lower adjusts opacity of the map (lower is more see through).
Tapping the crosshairs will bring you back to your current location. In devices without GPS, this is your home location, and can be set by navigating to where you are, and then tapping and holding the crosshair. This setting persists after reboots, and is seperate from fixed_position.
If you have maps installed to /maps
instead of /map/
you'll also see a drop down of installed map styles you can choose from.
The map does not show MQTT nodes.
Tapping and holding the settings tab will turn off or lock the device.
Changing Settings
Most settings will reboot the device. Also has a Tools section.
Settings Section
User Name
Use this to set both the Short Name and Long Name. This dialog cannot be closed once open, and you will need to reboot if you open it. (was fixed later in the day)
Channel Settings
In the Settings menu, it will show Channel: Longfast, but that's just the name of the public chat. If you tap on this, you will have the option to change channel names, edit the pre-shared key, and share a QR-Code. You can add a new channel by tapping on an <unset>
labeled button. More detailed settings are available on the web client.
Thanks to NerdHerder in the Andy Kirby Discord for the tip.
Screen Calibration
Starts a screen calibration process that cannot be exited from once started. Either calibrate the screen or reboot.
Message Alert
Allows you to enable message alert, and select a ringtone. These are not previewed on selecting, and you will need to receive a message to hear it.
On this version of the firmware, Ericcson 1 does not work.
Mesh Detector
Will present a radar like interface used to detect mesh networks. You must press and hold start to start scanning.
Signal Scanner
Shows the SNR and RSSI for a node. You can select a node on the bottom, and press and hold Start to scan. Once you do this, on the home screen you will a calculated signal percentage and raw values.
Trace Route
Tap to select a target node, and tap Start to trace route. You do not need to tap and hold this Start button.
Shows a route to a node as a list of nodes.
Packet Log
Changing Other Settings / Dashboard
Settings are not all in settings. Many are on the home screen/dashboard, which is scrollable. Scroll up and down to find settings and information.
Notifications and sound
Scroll down to the bell icon. Each time you tap it, it will cycle between Banner, Banner & Sound, and Sound only
Banners will display in the center of the screen informing you of a new message. You can slide up to dismiss the message, or tap on it to be taken to the chat.
Turn off LoRa radio
Tap and hold the radio tower icon (should say LoRa, with your frequency). This will turn it off. Press and hold to turn it on again.
Turn off GPS
If you have GPS, you can turn it of and on by scrolling to the GPS icon, and tapping and holding. Device will reboot when this changes.
If you do not have GPS and you change this, you may have to set no device over serial or in a client for the correct status.
Turn off Wi-Fi
Scroll down to the wifi icon. Tap and hold to turn off WiFi. Tap and hold the icon again to enable it. Changing WiFi status reboots the device.
MQTT Status can be seen by scrolling down to the RSS looking icon that shows your channel. Tapping and holding the icon will disable/enable MQTT and reboot the device. When enabled the icon is in color or white/bright grey. When disabled it is grey or dimmed. Is that accessible? Nope.
Tap the clock icon to cycle between time and device uptime.
Heap / LVGL
Tap the icon to enable system stats
Settings requiring the command line
Assumes you have installed and know how to use the Meshtastic Python CLI
If your T-Deck does not have a built in gps, you can set a fixed location for it using set position.fixed_position
Example: meshtastic --port --set position.fixed_position true --setlat 41.88 --setlon -70.87
Use Negative values for West/South, and Positive values for North/East.
This setting is not used for the home location in the maps tab. You can set that in the maps tab.
Other notes
- Using the web client, under MQTT settings, TLS cannot be enabled.
- Pressing and holding the trackball long enough will restart the device.